Earn money with a battery storage system, even in winter, even without a PV system!

Do you know all 3 advantages of commercial battery storage systems?

Commercial storage systems are slightly more expensive per kWh than private storage systems. Why?

Thanks to our cooperation with the major manufacturers, Aquahara offers a price that is significantly lower than most suppliers.

We offer you a turnkey carefree package including installation with the following services:

The current price for this all-round carefree package is EUR 36,000 plus VAT for a battery unit with 100 kWh storage capacity and 50 kW power. This investment usually pays for itself after 6 or 7 years. The system can be expanded modularly at any time up to a total capacity of 2 MWh.

A battery can be partially financed from tax savings via the IAB (investment deduction). The cash flow from exchange trading can already cover the amortization costs in the first year.  For exchange trading, we work together with Levl, a young company that is co-financed and supported by EnBW.

Are you interested? Then give us a call on +49 8142 6539135 or email us at batterie@aquahara.com or book an appointment at  https://calendly.com/aquahara/meeting_30mins